Long frock net with 2 layers of design soft net cloth... With can can attached double layer.
Party Wear frock From Li'l Angels .Actual Price is 8900.
Pure pink raw silk blouse with zardosi maggam work and pure organza lehanga with pure kanchi border Actual price:-9000(included all materials,maggam work and stitching)
Its a beautiful Red kurta with Pyjama.. Perfectly fit for 3 to 5 years kids ..Can be alter accordingly . Since its 5 years so i selected 2 to 4 years . Original price is 2499 Just wore for half an hour
Ruffle Princess Ball Gown with hand embroidered top Butterfly wings and hair clip included Actual price is Rs.9430 bought from Sowmyz Couture
A beautiful pure red raw silk with zardosi maggam work on top and pink pure raw silk with kanchi border langa Actual price:-9000 with all maggam and raw material and stitching cost